Room Level Content

HSP clients can receive Rooms level content on-line through API
Rooms level content includes 3 type of content:

  • Room description
  • Room Images
  • Room Amenities

HSP platform is aggregating rooms content from many suppliers that are integrated in the platform, and allow HSP clients to display the content on their website and distribution channels.

Rooms level content is returned in 'Get Packages' response, under the 'RoomsContent'

How to relate room content and a package

Each 'PackageRoom' in 'GetPackages' response has a 'TargetRoomKey', and under 'RoomContent' there is a unique 'RoomKey', a 'RoomKey' can fit few packages .

Suppliers which supports Room Level Content - Click here.

Room images size

It's important to know that we deliver the images of the suppliers on the basis of "as is", i.e. we returned them to you as directly as we receive them from the supplier.
Therefore, the room images are not standardized in terms of size, and if the supplier returns small images, and you will try to fit this image into a wide screen - the results may be pixelated.



Hotel Photos:

Average Height (H): 711 pixels
Average Width (W): 1004 pixels
Average Proportion (H/W): 0.71

Room Photos:

Average Height (H): 554 pixels
Average Width (W): 795 pixels
Average Proportion (H/W): 0.70