Cars API
HSP suggests using a specific flow in order to search and book cars .
Using the recommended booking flow will decrease potential errors and increase your productivity.

Request | Explanation |
GetLocations | Get a list of locations . |
Search | Find cars in a specific locations . |
GetDetails | Get full and updated info about a specific car . |
GetPaymentPref (Cxl-Policy) | Get payment preferences & Cxl-Policy |
Book | Book a car rental. |
Check Status | Submits a check-status call to supplier. |
Cancel | Cancels the booked car. |
Cars Booking Flow
Get Locations
This function offers an auto-complete feature for location services. It populates location names when provided with a short string of at least three letters as input.
For example, entering 'New York' will return a list of relevant locations.
Get Locations API examples (Postman) - Click here.
Search Cars
This function submits a query to all active suppliers, based on different parameters and search criteria (Pick up/ Drop off City, Currency, Country of Residency, Dates etc). Returns list of available car rental options .
Search Cars API examples (Postman) - Click here.
Get Details
Get car details, like available extras, cancellation policy, rental terms, and conditions. Unlike hotels, car details call facilitates all needed information to finish car booking.
Unlike Hotels, you may retrieve cancellation policy details for car booking only via DetailsRequest.
Get Details API examples (Postman) - Click here.
Get Payment Preferences (& Cxl-Policy)
Payment preferences specify which credit cards or payment methods can be used, the conversion rates if applicable etc.
To get the Cancellation policy in additional to the Payment Preferences - please forward the "IncludeCancellationPolicy" as True.
Get Payment Preferences (& Cxl-Policy) API examples (Postman) - Click here.
Book Car
This function submits a new booking request for the selected car and returns the booking reference and booking status.
For testing purposes, please use the following Credit Card details:
Card Type: VISA
Card Number: 4111111111111111
CVV: 333
Expire Date: Future date
Book Car API examples (Postman) - Click here.
Post Booking
Check Status
Bookings that were made on request need to be checked for confirmation/rejection by the supplier. This function queries for the updated booking status.
Check Status API examples (Postman) - Click here.
Cancel Booking
This function submits a request to cancel any existing booking.
Cancel Booking API examples (Postman) - Click here.
Additional functionality
Cars Reprice for an item from previous session
This function allows making a reservation of a car that was found in an expired session.
The request requires same search request parameters and a few more parameters from the selected package: Desired Car ID, Cars details, new session id.
The client may also include cancellation policy details of the desired item from the previous search results in his reprice request. Then the Reprice function will include cancellation policy details in its search criteria.
There are three possible responses you can get:
- Match=True - the desired package is found and is available for booking.
In response, tag will appear and include the following tags:
<Currency> <FinalPrice> <FinalPriceInSupplierCurrency> <OriginalPrice> <OriginalPriceInSupplierCurrency> <SupplierCurrency>
- Match=False - The package is found, but the price has changed. In this case a new price will return in the response.
- Error - The package is not found.
<ErrorCode>E4301</ErrorCode> <ErrorText>No matching item found.</ErrorText>
Cars Reprice API examples (Postman) - Click here.
Updated about 1 year ago