Getting Started with Room.Works API

Once you've been mastered & satisfied with the API test, HSP allows to go from Test to Production in 3 easy steps :

1. Hotel data normalization needs questionnaire

Fill the "Hotel Data normalization needs" form:

2. Customer Success session

Once we received the filled questionnaire we will reach out to set up a call to ensure a successful roll out. During this sessions we will cover:

  • Test API review and feedback
  • Implementation and usage flows
  • Service scope and contract terms


Technical and Business alignment

This is session is a good opportunity to bring both technical and business stakeholders to align the technical capabilities with your business needs and agree on our mutual success metrics.

3. Contract Sign and Go Live

Once the contract has been signed, our team will provide you with a live production API key and you're ready to go live and benefit form normalized and structured hotel room data.


Seamless Roll Out

If you've already implemented the API calls during testing, the only thing would be to use the live API key our team will provide. No extra work needed!