Error Code & Handling

SmartBook API Error codes and Handling.

Below is a detailed list of potential errors you may encounter while using the SmartBook API, along with the recommended handling for each error.

Error CodeError MessageDescriptionHandling
E8007SmartBook failed - could not find a better price offer.SmartBook failed to find a better deal.Proceed with your original room option.
E2061Couldn’t verify credentials.Username or password are incorrect.Ensure that a valid credentials are provided. You can reset password through the back-Office.
E10003Valid residency must be provided.A null or invalid residency has been provided.Ensure that a valid ISO Country Code was provided.
E10000Check in date should not be in the past.A valid Check-in date should be only in the future.Ensure the Check-In date is in the future.
E10000Check out date should be after the check in.Check-In date can’t be before the check-out date.Ensure the Check-In date is after the Check-Out date.
E10003Valid Currency must be provided.A null or invalid currency has been provided.Ensure that a valid ISO currency Code was provided.
E20000Lead Pax Room ID must be provided.LeadPaxRoomId wasn’t provided.Ensure that a valid LeadPaxRoomId is being provided.
E10003WorkMode must be provided.WorkMode wasn’t provided.Ensure that a valid WorkMode is provided.
E10003Language is invalid - Only ‘en’ (English) is currently supported.A null or invalid language has been provided.Ensure that a valid ('en) language is provided.
E20000Passenger Id must be provided.A null or invalid Passenger Id has been provided.Ensure that a valid Passenger Id is provided.
E20000Room ID must be provided in Passenger Allocation.A null or invalid Passenger Allocation has been provided.Ensure that a valid Passenger Allocation is provided.
E20000Name must be provided for a passenger.Passenger Name wasn’t provided.Ensure that a valid Passenger name is provided.
E10001There must be at least one adult in each room.No adults has been allocated in a room.Ensure that each room is allocated with at least 1 adult.
E10001Room Basis must be provided.Room Basis wasn’t provided.Ensure that a valid Room Basis is provided.
E10001Room name must be provided.Room name wasn’t provided.Ensure that a valid Room name is provided.
E10001Room Id must be a valid, non-empty Guid.A null or invalid Room Id has been provided.Ensure that a valid Room Id is provided.
E20000All passenger Id must be unique.A null or invalid Passenger Id has been provided.Ensure that each passenger Id is a unique Guid.
E4000Book request does not match selected package - room b95a5248-bb4c-43d6-abe1-bf5cee98b62b should contain 2 adults.A null or invalid Allocation has been provided.
Each Additional Passenger should be allocated in the respective room.
Ensure that the rooms allocation are valid :
- If there more that 1 room, ensure that each room is assigned with the correct Adults counts and kids ages.
- Ensure that allocation in the AddionalPassegners element are the same as in the Rooms element.
E4000Book request does not match original search request - mismatch in kids ages.KidsAges doesn’t match the AdditionalPassengers Types.Ensure that passengers allocations are matching to the requested Rooms element .