❓ FAQ - Room Mapping

Is it possible to map rooms from a supplier that is not supported by Room.Works ?

As Room.Works is supplier agnostic - the answer is Yes !

How to do so ?

Within the room mapping request, the hotel identification must be done using one of the supported suppliers along with the corresponding hotel key (SupplierHotelKeys field). This ensures accurate identification of the hotel.

  • For more accuracy, the service enabled to pass more than one supplier and hotel key.

In the "Rates" section, which refers to the rooms to be mapped, if you wish to map a room with a supplier that is not a 'supported supplier', it's possible - simply by passing the SupplierId as 0.

To clarify:

  • Hotel identification must be done with a supported supplier.
  • Room mapping within the hotel can be done with SupplierId = 0.

Here's an example request:

	"Language": "en",
	"SupplierHotelKeys": [
			"SupplierId": 1165,
			"HotelKey": "4071725"
	"Rates": [
			"OfferRateId": "201951775",
			"SupplierId": 0,
			"RatePrice": 0,
			"RoomKey": 123,
			"RoomName": "Executive Room with Double or Twin Bed",
			"roomView": "Pool",
			"isSmoking": "false"

The hotel is identified with supplier 1165 (Expedia), which is a supported supplier, while the room is being mapped with SupplierId = 0.

Why this error returned while testing / integrating :

{ "errors": [ { "message": "Hotel is not recognized", "errorCode": "E4002" } ] }

Answer: This error occurs when Gimmonix RoomWorks fails to recognize the provided hotel key. It usually happens when the hotel code is invalid or no longer exists with the supplier.

We Identified the Hotel by the supplier X, so can we send rooms from other suppliers for room mapping ?

Answer:Gimmonix RoomWorks is supplier agnostic. Any supplier ID and Hotel ID can be used to identify the hotel and subsequently map rooms across any supplier.

Gimmonix returns Executive Room, but as checked on their website, which returned for Executive Suite.

What is the reason the Executive Room is mapped but their website does not provide it?

Answer:Our approach is not to take risks to important parameters which the supplier has not committed to. In this case the supplier has not committed to the room type being a suite, and hence could not be mapped to the “Executive Suite”.

We identify Gimmonix returned the room ids with the longer id identifier such as ( Gimmonix room ids 6837175--3247324141125677885, 6837175--5158085692952110361 ).

What is the longer id mean?

Answer: We commit to map 100% of the rates. In cases that we get a rate that this is the first time we have this type or rate, and it cant be mapped safely to existing rooms , we create a new dynamic room and use the supplier data that you sent as the room name.

Do you have a dashboard or interface, or is your room mapping solution only available through API connection?

Answer:The main focus is the API.

Is the Gimmonix room ID static? e.g. if the next time we run the mapping, the same room group will always have the same Gimmonix Room ID.

Answer:Correct. Room IDs are static. When a new room group is created or is mapped differently, a new room ID will be created. Room names can slightly change - from double room to Double Room as an example.

For integration and maintenance, what kind of support can you provide?

Answer:For integration, full documentation is provided as well as test credentials. Technical support is available for clarifications if such arise. Maintenance is minimal and any technical and/or ongoing product questions are handled via a dedicated ticketing portal.

How often you update your room data if applicable, and what data is updated during the process?

Answer:We update data from the suppliers on a daily basis. We update both static and dynamic data. We consolidate the data and creates updates on a weekly basis.

What happens if a certain room is inactive, or was active but is no longer active after a period of time?

Answer: Customers are expected to run a full refresh on a monthly basis. The inactive rooms will not be returned in the newer mapping.

What happens when a certain hotel has a new room type?

Answer: This happens frequently, This is determined in the weekly updates, we will map to the new room type.

If there's a room mapping issue, how do we raise it to you? What if there's material costs incurred?

Answer: Issues are raised via dedicated ticketing portal, typically addressed witihn. 24-48 hours when related to an individual property item. Investigations for more complex ceases and resolution of root cause is more difficult to estimate, but based on past experience usually within a week, including testing, QA and full data cycle refresh.

What to do when we onboard new supplier? What if this new provider is not yet registered in Gimmonix

Answer: The room mapping solution is source agnostic allowing you to send ANY supplier, regardless fi they have integrated or not integrated with Gimmonix.

Does your room mapping solution work for room inventories sourced from Switch? Is there anything we need to do to enable it?

Answer: Yes, there's no difference in the inventory being from a switch vs any other source, the only thing that would matter is that it contains the relevant room information.

What are the static data that are included in the room mapping logic? Is room perks/facilities considered in grouping the rooms?

Answer: All data is considered but is not treated equally. The approach treats the data on a per hotel basis e.g in one hotel that would. be in a ski destination a fireplace would be an important data point vs non-existent one in a city hotel.

Why different rooms are with the same room images ?

Answer: The images of the rooms are sourced from various content providers. Therefore, occasionally, when certain rooms lack their own images, the same pictures are used for different rooms.

In certain instances, this issue can be addressed. However, most often, the images are not provided by the suppliers, leading to a situation where no specific image can be assigned to a particular room.

Why doesn't your platform offer a way to identify which room details and mapping need updating?


We understand the challenge of keeping room details and mapping accurate and up-to-date, especially when dealing with a wide range of suppliers, including some we might not have a direct relationship with.

Here are some key challenges we're working to overcome:

Information Overload: Room information and mapping changes constantly. We want to avoid overwhelming you with notifications about every single change, focusing instead on the updates that are most relevant and impactful to your business. As it stands now, almost all properties which we gets for mapping , at least one item will change during the week (either photo, room content, or mapping), this results in us asking our customers to update all properties every week, and you do not need a service for that.

Supplier Data: as we are suppliers agnostic, we receive updates from a wide range of suppliers, including some who aren't in our system. This makes it difficult to always verify the accuracy and relevance of every update.

Unique Needs: Different businesses prioritize different types of room information. We're working on a solution that will allow you to customize the types of updates you receive, so you can focus on what matters most to you.