Error Codes and Handling (Dynamic Packaging)


Below is a breakdown list of errors you might receive within our Dynamic Packaging API, full list of error codes you may receive within each relevant category type with the appropriate handlings :

Hotel Errors

User input Errors

Error CodeError InfoMore Info
E10000Invalid user input: Dates info errorCheck in date should not be in the past
Check out date should be after the check in
Nights parameter is obsolete and not required in the request. However, if provided, must match the number of nights between CheckIn and CheckOut
E10001Invalid user input: Rooms info errorRoom can't be null.
Number of rooms must be between 1 to 4.
There must be at least one adult in each room
Number of adults in each room must not be greater than eight
Total number of adults in a room must be greater than zero.
Kids ages must be between 0 to 17.
E10002Invalid user input: Destination info error- Field RadiusInMeters, if specified, must be greater than zero
- GeoLocationInfo.Latitude must be between -90 and 90
- GeoLocationInfo.Longitude must be between -180 and 180
- RadiusInMeters may not be specified together with HotelIds
- RadiusInMeters may not be specified together with SupplierLocationIds
- GeoLocationInfo may not be specified together with HotelIds
- If GeoLocationInfo is specified, then RadiusInMeters must also be specified
- RadiusInMeters must be specified together with HotelLocation and/or GeoLocationInfo
- Request must contain either HotelLocation, HotelIds, SupplierLocationIds or GeoLocation
- Number of items in HotelIds must be less than
- Specify RadiusInMeters less than or equal to {}
-The provided HotelLocation value 'X' couldn't be found. Please verify that you are sending an existing HotelLocation value.
E10003Invalid user input: Input general errorValid DesiredResultCurrency must be provided.
Valid residency must be provided.
Request not allowed. Search with DetailLevel=Default is allowed only when searching by single hotel-id
Response Language is invalid - Only 'EN'(English) is currently supported.
Invalid request data. The requested DetailLevel value {hotelSearchRequest.DetailLevel} is not supported

Configuration Errors

Error CodeError InfoMore Info
E10199Configuration general error-

System Errors

Error CodeError InfoMore Info
E10200No results found.
E10201Supplier Communication Error.
E10202Credentials error.
E10203Access restricted.
E10204IP not authorized.
E10205Inventory access error.
E10206Requests limit reached.QPS limit with the supplier have been reached.
E10207Check in date error.
E10208Source market error.
E10209Hotel ID error.
E10210Check out date error.
E10211Search timeout error.
E10212Location error.
E10213Pax error.
E10214The requested occupancy is not supported.
E10297Request general error.
E10298Internal error.
E10300Supplier agent was not used - Supplier Name: {0}, Contract Id: {1}.
E10301No mapped hotel ids were found. Supplier Name: {0}
E10302No mapped locations were found. Supplier Name: {0}, Location Id: {1}Did not find in scope of hotel search
E10303Supplier Data Parsing Error. Supplier Name: {0}, Contract Id: {1}.Did not find in scope of hotel search
E10304Supplier Timeout Error. Supplier Name: {0}, Contract Id: {1}.
E10305Search criteria not supported. Supplier Name: {0}.Did not find in scope of hotel search
E10306Wrong configuration at supplier's system. Supplier Name: {0}.Did not find any usage
E10307Search by {0} not supported by the supplier. Supplier Name: {1}
E10308No search type is defined for the supplier. Supplier Name: {0}
E10398Unexpected search error.
E10399Search general error

Book Errors

User input Errors

Error CodeError Info
E20000Invalid user input: Customer Info error
E20001Invalid user input: Credit Card Info error
E20099Invalid user input: Input general error
E3000Payment not authorized.
E20225Booking cannot be confirmed due to credit card incorrect details: CVV
E20221Booking cannot be confirmed due to incorrect price specified in the request

Configuration Errors

Error CodeError Info
E20100User is not allowed to book non-refundable Net rates. Please check the user settings.
E20101User doesn't have enough Obligo to book this rate. Current obligo: {X} {X}, Required obligo: {X} {X}. Please check the obligo settings.
E20102Booking price out of range.
E20103Booking is not allowed on this account.
E20104Book is disabled for cluster '{X}'. Please contact support
E20221Booking cannot be confirmed due to incorrect price specified in the request
E20105Book is disabled for service-type '{X}'. Please contact support
E20106Book is disabled for book flow '{X}'. Please contact support
E20107User '{0}' not authorized to perform '{1}' action.
E20108The specified 'ChargeAmount': '{0}' is invalid. 'ChargeAmount' value must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 'BookingPrice'.
E20109Service-fee cannot be charged.
E20110Payment method is not available.
E20111Discount value is invalid
E20199Configuration general error

System Errors

Error CodeError InfoMore info
E20300Booking cannot be confirmed due to price change.
E20301Booking cannot be confirmed due to price currency change.
E20302Booking cannot be confirmed due to cancellation policy change.This is a general change in the cxl policy
E20303Booking cannot be confirmed due to cancellation policy fee currency change.This is a currency change in the cxl policy
E20304Booking cannot be confirmed due to empty availability received.Response was received from the supplier, with no errors (otherwise it would go to "TV Errors for Supplier Errors", but with no availability
E20305Booking cannot be confirmed due to no pre-book response received.When supplier's prebook or price validation action is called as part of the book and no response is received. In this case, today, we are not returning ER segment (because no book request was sent to the supplier), but just returning general book error.
E20306Request timeout limit reached. A booking may have occurred.The supplier didn't reply to the sent book request (within 3 minutes timeout),

ER Segment May have been created. upon receiving this error code,

Make sure to contact the supplier to verify whether the booking was made on their side in order to avoid duplicate bookings
E20307Booking a previously booked item in the same session is not allowed.
E20308Charging service-fee is not allowed on a 3D-enabled payment gateway account.
E20395No book response received.The supplier didn't reply to the sent book request
E20396Unexpected book response received.The supplier replied to the sent book request, but returned unexpected response (unknown structure or unexpected values)
ER/RQ Segment will be created upon receiving this error code, Make sure to contact the supplier to verify whether the booking was made on their side in order to avoid duplicate bookings
E20397Unhandled book response error received.The supplier replied to the sent book request with an error, which is currently not handled (not mapped into TV error).
E20398Unexpected book error.An error which occurred internally, regardless of the supplier.

System Errors

Error CodeError Info
E20200Booking cannot be confirmed due to price change.
E20201Booking cannot be confirmed due to price currency change.
E20202Booking cannot be confirmed due to cancellation policy change.
E20203Booking cannot be confirmed due to cancellation policy fee change.
E20204Booking cannot be confirmed due to cancellation policy fee currency change.
E20205Booking cannot be confirmed due to cancellation policy dates change.
E20206Booking cannot be confirmed due to expired rate.
E20207Booking cannot be confirmed due to no availability.
E20208Booking cannot be confirmed due to supplier’s 3rd party supplier error.
E20209Booking cannot be confirmed due to communication errors.
E20210Booking cannot be confirmed due to pax name error.
E20211Booking cannot be confirmed due to pax email error.
E20212Booking cannot be confirmed due to duplicate booking.
E20213Booking cannot be confirmed due to credit line error.
E20214Booking cannot be confirmed due to permission error.
E20215Booking cannot be confirmed due to credit card authorization general error.
E20216Booking cannot be confirmed due to credit card authorization error.
E20217Booking cannot be confirmed due to credit card incorrect details.
E20218Booking cannot be confirmed due to credit card type not supported.
E20219Booking cannot be confirmed due to nationality restriction.
E20220Booking cannot be confirmed due to rejected book status.
E20297Booking cannot be confirmed due to general request error.
E20298Booking cannot be confirmed due to general error.
E20299Unhandleable supplier error
ER Segment will be created upon receiving this error code, Make sure to contact the supplier to verify whether the booking was made on their side in order to avoid duplicate bookings


Error Code Error InfoHandeling
I0200Operation successful.
I0404No results found. Supplier Name: {0}, Contract Id: {1}.
I0405Request Not Supported. Supplier Name: {0}, Contract Id: {1}.
I0406Credit card details are provided when not required. Credit card details will be ignored.
I0600Duplicate passenger name. Will try to fix the name and re-book.
I0601Supplier Communication Error. Supplier Name: {0}, Contract Id: {1}.
W4306"Supplier Data Parsing Error. Supplier Name: {0}, Contract Id: {1}.Please check the supplier's response in our log system. If the supplier's response seems valid, please contact us at [email protected]

In any other case, kindly contact the supplier with details and the relevant logs.
W4307Supplier Timeout Error. Supplier Name: {0}, Contract Id: {1}.
W4308Search criteria not supported. Supplier Name: {0}.
W4309Wrong configuration at supplier's system. Supplier Name: {0}.
E0300SessionId not found.Probable to happen when you are trying to access a session which is already expired. Please report this error to [email protected] as soon as you encounter.
E0500Internal error.Severe Internal Service Error. If the error occurred during a booking attempt, please verify in supplier system if the booking has been created or not, before sending an additional booking request, to prevent duplicated bookings.

Please report this error to [email protected] as soon as you encounter.
E0501Request {0}.{1} doesn't exist.
E0502Supplier action is not implemented
E0999Unknown error.
E1000Supplier error.
E0400{0} action cannot be performed on a segment with status {1}
E1100Invalid request data. Something in your request didn't pass our validation. See detailed error message for more info. Check for 2 letters valid state (for US only), check for credit card details, etc.
E2000User '{0}' not authorized to perform '{1}' action.
E2001User access denied.
E2002Resource limit reached.Means that you've exceeded the amount of allowed requests per second. If you are using your own cluster - please make sure that your traffic is directed to your dedicated endpoint. For more assistance, please contact [email protected]
E2050Segment access denied.
E2060Credentials not specified.
E2061Couldn't verify credentials.Make sure you are using valid credentials and verify in B2b that the user is not locked.
E2062Providing both Credentials and SessionId is not allowed.
E2063Credit-card is suspicious (did not pass fraud check)
E2300Segment not found
E2301OrderId Mismatch
E3000Payment not authorized.Probably credit card issue such as wrong credit card type/number/cvv, etc. or the card was declined. You can display message in your side: "Please verify your credit card details"
E3001Payment was not committed.
E3002Charging service-fee is not allowed on a 3D-enabled payment gateway account.
E3010No payment methods are defined for the user. Please check the user settingsCheck the user settings and make sure the user has the option to book with cash or credit.
E3020User is not allowed to book non-refundable Net rates. Please check the user settingsCheck the user settings and make sure the user has the option to book non-refundable rates (if needed)
E3030User doesn't have enough Obligo to book this rate. Current obligo: {credit}{currency}, Required obligo {required obligo} {currency}. Please check the obligo settings.Check the Obligo settings on the user (and its father node) level
E3040'{}' was specified as the SelectedPaymentMethod, but the allowed PaymentMethod for this package is: '{}'.Amend the SelectedPaymentMethod
E3050Payment method is not available.1. Make sure you have set up enough obligo for the user/branch. "Admin" ==> "Obligo"

2. Make sure the user is allowed to book cash/non-refundable/credit card. "Admin" ==> "Users"

3. Make sure in supplier contract, that "Can book" option is checked. "Admin" ==> "Contracts"

4. Make sure to use the applicable PaymentMethods returned in GetPaymentPreferences respons
E3100Credit card type is not allowed.
E3101Segment already marked as paid.
E3500Fare rules can't be retrieved.
E3501Route id '{0}' not found in search results.
E3502Already Ticketed.
E3800Car extra with id '{0}' was not found.
E3801Car with id '{0}' was not found.
E3802Invalid car rental location.
E3803Car rental terms are not availableno rental details provided by the supplier.

Check the supplier's response and contact the supplier accordingly.
E3600Hotel Id '{0}' not found in search results.You are trying to book hotel that wasn't returned in results from current session. Acquire new session or try to book another hotel.
E3601Package Id '{0}' not found in search results.Probable to happen when trying to access or operate on a package that wasn't returned in results from current session or when a session is expired. Acquire new session.
I3701No mapped hotel ids were found. Supplier Name: {0}
I3702No mapped locations were found. Supplier Name: {0}, Location Id: {1}
W3703Search by {0} not supported by the supplier. Supplier Name: {1}
--Common errors on retrieving data--
E4300Failed to retrieve searched details.An error occurred when trying to process results from the suppliers. Please report this error to [email protected] as soon as as you encounter.
E4301No matching item found.Please send another Reprice request - this time with correct package.
E4302Failed to read session data.Probable to happen when you are trying to access a session which is already expired. Please report this error to [email protected] as soon as as you encounter.
E4303Currency '{0}' not supported.
--Booking errors--
E1101Booking price out of range.

Discount value is invalid
Please make sure that you are sending the package price as returned on our search response.

If you are willing to book at a lower price than returned in the API (provide a discount) - please contact our support to enable this functionality for you.
E4000Invalid book request dataMake sure you are sending all the mandatory fields in booking request. Use only English characters in names/addresses, etc.
E4050Item cannot be booked.The supplier couldn't confirm the booking and returned an error.
E4051Booking is not allowed on this account.Make sure in supplier contract, that "Can book" option is checked. "Admin" ==> "Contracts"
E4052Duplicate bookingThe booking failed on the supplier side - the supplier returned an indication of a duplicate booking. Therefore any further attempt is blocked on the supplier side.

Best error handling on the client side would be to alter the passenger names by appending an 'A' to lead pax and 'B' for the second pax, etc, and resend the booking request.
E4053The requested package is not currently availableThe supplier failed to book the selected offer. No booking has been created.
E4060Item cannot be booked.Funds/deposit/out of credit issue. - Contact the supplier to refill /deposit, to prevent such errors.

Refrain from making any booking attempts with the supplier until resolved
E4070The supplier rejected the book attempt No booking created, no segment created.
E4100This booking can not be confirmed, as it is not available anymore.The supplier couldn't confirm the booking. Probably no availability from the supplier. Try to book another package.
E4101Cannot book the same item twice in the same session.The system received an additional book request for a package ID, which was already booked in a previous attempt.
--Cancelation errors--
E4500 Booking cannot be confirmed due to no pre-book response receiveThere are 2 common scenarios where this error can be returned:

1. The supplier returned invalid or unexpected cancellation policy response, or didn't return any rates / dates / fees at all.

2. There was a price change for the selected package, between search response price to cancellation policy response price.Cancellation policy request to our API triggers (not always) another call to supplier, to get up-to-date (more recent) prices and availability for the selected package, unlike the initial search request to supplier, that might return cached prices.In that case, in order to avoid price discrepancies and eventually prevent financial damage, we return this error message.
E4501Item cannot be canceled.Contact our tech team.
E4502Cancel item not supported.
--SmartBook Errors--
E6000SmartBook failed - internal error
E6001SmartBook failed - search error
E6002SmartBook failed - prebook error
E6003SmartBook failed - book error
E6007Invalid value sent in 'ContractIds' fieldThe 'Allowed contracts for book' setting which is defined for this user in the Backoffice is 'Controlled via API request', but no contract ids were specified in the request. Please specify the contract ids in the request or change the setting in the Backoffice.
E7001User is not authorized to use SmartBook feature via APIPlease contact our support.
E4080Request timeout limit reached. No booking occurred.

SmartBook Errors

Error CodeError MessageDescriptionHandling
E8007SmartBook failed - could not find a better price offer.SmartBook failed to find a better deal.Proceed with your original room option.
E2061Couldn’t verify credentials.Username or password are incorrect.Ensure that a valid credentials are provided. You can reset password through the back-Office.
E10003Valid residency must be provided.A null or invalid residency has been provided.Ensure that a valid ISO Country Code was provided.
E10000Check in date should not be in the past.A valid Check-in date should be only in the future.Ensure the Check-In date is in the future.
E10000Check out date should be after the check in.Check-In date can’t be before the check-out date.Ensure the Check-In date is after the Check-Out date.
E10003Valid Currency must be provided.A null or invalid currency has been provided.Ensure that a valid ISO currency Code was provided.
E20000Lead Pax Room ID must be provided.LeadPaxRoomId wasn’t provided.Ensure that a valid LeadPaxRoomId is being provided.
E10003WorkMode must be provided.WorkMode wasn’t provided.Ensure that a valid WorkMode is provided.
E10003Language is invalid - Only ‘en’ (English) is currently supported.A null or invalid language has been provided.Ensure that a valid ('en) language is provided.
E20000Passenger Id must be provided.A null or invalid Passenger Id has been provided.Ensure that a valid Passenger Id is provided.
E20000Room ID must be provided in Passenger Allocation.A null or invalid Passenger Allocation has been provided.Ensure that a valid Passenger Allocation is provided.
E20000Name must be provided for a passenger.Passenger Name wasn’t provided.Ensure that a valid Passenger name is provided.
E10001There must be at least one adult in each room.No adults has been allocated in a room.Ensure that each room is allocated with at least 1 adult.
E10001Room Basis must be provided.Room Basis wasn’t provided.Ensure that a valid Room Basis is provided.
E10001Room name must be provided.Room name wasn’t provided.Ensure that a valid Room name is provided.
E10001Room Id must be a valid, non-empty Guid.A null or invalid Room Id has been provided.Ensure that a valid Room Id is provided.
E20000All passenger Id must be unique.A null or invalid Passenger Id has been provided.Ensure that each passenger Id is a unique Guid.
E4000Book request does not match selected package - room b95a5248-bb4c-43d6-abe1-bf5cee98b62b should contain 2 adults.A null or invalid Allocation has been provided.
Each Additional Passenger should be allocated in the respective room.
Ensure that the rooms allocation are valid :

- If there more that 1 room, ensure that each room is assigned with the correct Adults counts and kids ages.
- Ensure that allocation in the AddionalPassegners element are the same as in the Rooms element.
E4000Book request does not match original search request - mismatch in kids ages.KidsAges doesn’t match the AdditionalPassengers Types.Ensure that passengers allocations are matching to the requested Rooms element .

Flights Errors

Error CodeError TextExplanation & Handling
I0404No results found. Supplier Name: {0}, Contract Id: {1}.
I0405Request Not Supported. Supplier Name: {0}, Contract Id: {1}.
I0406Credit card details are provided when not required. Credit card details will be ignored.
I0600Duplicate passenger name. Will try to fix the name and re-book.
I0601Passenger name too short. Will try to fix the name and re-book.
W4305Supplier Communication Error. Supplier Name: {0}, Contract Id: {1}.
W4306Supplier Data Parsing Error. Supplier Name: {0}, Contract Id: {1}.Please check the supplier's response in our log system. If the supplier's response seems valid, please contact us.

In any other case, kindly contact the supplier with details and the relevant logs.
W4307Supplier Timeout Error. Supplier Name: {0}, Contract Id: {1}.
W4308Search criteria not supported. Supplier Name: {0}.
W4309Wrong configuration at supplier's system. Supplier Name: {0}.
General errors
E0300SessionId not found.Probable to happen when you are trying to access a session which is already expired. Please report this error to the Support team as soon as you encounter.
E0500Internal error.Severe Internal Service Error. If the error occurred during a booking attempt, please verify in supplier system if the booking has been created or not, before sending an additional booking request, to prevent duplicated bookings.

Please report this error to the support team as soon as you encounter.
E0501Request {0}.{1} doesn't exist.
E0502Supplier action is not implemented
E0999Unknown error.
E1000Supplier error.
E0400{0} action cannot be performed on a segment with status {1}
E1100Invalid request data.Something in your request didn't pass our validation.
See detailed error message for more info.
Check for 2 letters valid state (for US only), check for credit card details, etc.
Permissions and Authorization errors
E2000User '{0}' not authorized to perform '{1}' action.
E2001User access denied.Enable the user.
E2002Resource limit reached.Means that you've exceeded the amount of allowed requests per second. If you are using your own cluster - please make sure that your traffic is directed to your dedicated endpoint. For more assistance, please contact the support team.
E2050Segment access denied.
E2060Credentials not specified.
E2061Couldn't verify credentials.Make sure you are using valid credentials and verify that the user is not locked.
E2062Providing both Credentials and SessionId is not allowed.Provide either Credentials or SessionID.
E2063Credit-card is suspicious
(did not pass fraud check)
Order errors
E2300Segment not found
E2301OrderId Mismatch
Payment errors
E3000Payment not authorized.Probably credit card issue such as wrong credit card type/number/cvv, etc. or the card was declined. You can display message in your side: "Please verify your credit card details"
E3001Payment was not committed.
E3002Charging service-fee is not allowed on a 3D-enabled payment gateway account.
E3010No payment methods are defined for the user. Please check the user settingsCheck the user settings and make sure the user has the option to book with cash or credit.
E3020User is not allowed to book non-refundable Net rates. Please check the user settingsCheck the user settings and make sure the user has the option to book non-refundable rates (if needed)
E3030User doesn't have enough Obligo to book this rate. Current obligo: {credit}{currency}, Required obligo {required obligo} {currency}. Please check the obligo settings.Check the Obligo settings on the user (and its father node) level
E3040'{}' was specified as the SelectedPaymentMethod, but the allowed PaymentMethod for this package is: '{}'.Amend the SelectedPaymentMethod
E3050Payment method is not available.1. Make sure you have set up enough obligo for the user/branch. "Admin" ==> "Obligo"

2. Make sure the user is allowed to book cash/non-refundable/credit card. "Admin" ==> "Users"

3. Make sure in supplier contract, that "Can book" option is checked. "Admin" ==> "Contracts"

4. Make sure to use the applicable PaymentMethods returned in GetPaymentPreferences response.
E3100Credit card type is not allowed.
E3101Segment already marked as paid.
Flights errors
E3500Fare rules can't be retrieved.
E3501Route id '{0}' not found in search results.
E3502Already Ticketed.
Common errors on retrieving data
E4300Failed to retrieve searched details.An error occurred when trying to process results from the suppliers. Please report this error to the support team as soon as as you encounter.
E4301No matching item found.Please send another Reprice request - this time with correct package.
E4302Failed to read session data.Probable to happen when you are trying to access a session which is already expired. Please report this error to the support team as soon as as you encounter.
E4303Currency '{0}' not supported.
Booking errors
E1101Booking price out of range.

Discount value is invalid
Please make sure that you are sending the package price as returned on our search response.

If you are willing to book at a lower price than returned in the API (provide a discount) - please contact our support to enable this functionality for you.
E4000Invalid book request dataMake sure you are sending all the mandatory fields in booking request. Use only English characters in names/addresses, etc.
E4050Item cannot be booked.The supplier couldn't confirm the booking and returned an error.
E4051Booking is not allowed on this account.Make sure in supplier contract, that "Can book" option is checked. "Admin" -> "Contracts"
E4052Duplicate bookingThe booking failed on the supplier side - the supplier returned an indication of a duplicate booking. Therefore any further attempt is blocked on the supplier side.

Best error handling on the client side would be to alter the passenger names by appending an 'A' to lead pax and 'B' for the second pax, etc, and resend the booking request.
E4053The requested package is not currently availableThe supplier failed to book the selected offer. No booking has been created.
E4060Item cannot be booked.Funds/deposit/out of credit issue. - Contact the supplier to refill /deposit, to prevent such errors.

Refrain from making any booking attempts with the supplier until resolved
E4070The supplier rejected the book attempt No booking created, no segment created.
E4100This booking can not be confirmed, as it is not available anymore.The supplier couldn't confirm the booking. Probably no availability from the supplier. Try to book another package.
E4101Cannot book the same item twice in the same session.The system received an additional book request for a package ID, which was already booked in a previous attempt.
Cancelation errors
E4500 Booking cannot be confirmed due to no pre-book response receiveThere are 2 common scenarios where this error can be returned:

1. The supplier returned invalid or unexpected cancellation policy response, or didn't return any rates / dates / fees at all.

2. There was a price change for the selected package, between search response price to cancellation policy response price.Cancellation policy request to our API triggers (not always) another call to supplier, to get up-to-date (more recent) prices and availability for the selected package, unlike the initial search request to supplier, that might return cached prices. In that case, in order to avoid price discrepancies and eventually prevent financial damage, we return this error message.
E4501Item cannot be canceled.Contact our tech team.