Mapping - Overview

Mapping.Works is a powerful platform designed to achieve 100% mapping across Hotel and Room providers.

The platform ensures that clients can work with any supplier and engage guests in any language, providing a truly versatile and global solution for mapping Hotel & Rooms around the world.

The Platform

  • 💾 Minimal Data Required for effective mapping.
  • ⏳️ Real-Time processing for immediate updates.
  • 🌐 Seamless API and Web-App Integration.
  • 📊 Comprehensive dashboards and analytics suite.

Platform Statistics

  • 🏨 Over 24,820,692 pre-mapped and active properties.
  • 👥 120+ Hotel providers.
  • 🛌 Over 30,000,000 pre-mapped and active rooms.
  • 👥 26 Room providers.
  • 🏘 3,504,480 unique accommodations.

Mapping Statistics

  • ✅ 99.99% Accuracy.
  • ✅ Room Mapping Coverage : 100%.
  • ✅ Hotel Mapping Coverage : 98.7%.
  • 🎯 0.0008% Error Possibility Ratio.