15th July (2024)
5 months ago
- Supplier Integrations
- PriceLineUEP (PLU) - Improvements and updates.
- Expedia (EPS) - Adding language control (Cxl-policy & Booking Remarks - for Arabic).
- Glogs
- Added support for Error Mapping per Cxl-Policy and Cancellation Requests.
- Ratebook API
- Added support for Partners or Suppliers HotelIDs. (In Addition to Gimmonix HotelID).
- Improved Error handling and Codes.
- Added timeout control per Search and Book Steps.
- New Prefetch Flow - can start Search before sending the Pax (Book) information.
- Localization
- Improved Languages control.
- New field in Search requests - 'ResponseLanguage' per Room Names and Room Descriptions.